Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Thing 19: Screencasting & Screen Sharing

For Thing 19, I chose to make a screencast and test out some screen sharing. My screen cast, using screencastomatic is above. This was really easy to use. I will definitely have some help/tutorial videos on my classroom website using screencastomatic. I also tried using Google Hangouts for the first time. I did a test with a family member. We started out with just a basic video chat. Then, I explored the screen share function. I was able to share any window that I had up on my computer. I was not able to figure out the other part, which appeared to be just a selection of what to share. This was such an awesome tool. I'm not sure how I will use this in my classroom, but I will definitely use it with friends and family. You can even add up to 10 people to the hangout.

1 comment:

  1. Nice work! I haven't done much with Google Hangouts, though I've participated in "broadcasts" using it. But I've never been the one setting it up to begin with. I need to take your advice and test it out with family.
