Friday, February 1, 2019

Thing 4: Twitter, Facebook & Personal Learning Networks

Twitter helped me find information - not all of it was good or useful. There was definitely a plethora of data, opinions, and conversations.
Yes, there were also interesting people on twitter using the hashtag #edchat. I did not recognize any of the names. I wonder if there is a specific hashtag to look for music education information?
I don't really see myself using twitter in my professional life. I have been to regional, state, and national music education conferences, and at no point was twitter even mentioned as a relevant tool in our field. At this point in time, I do not see myself using it. The only reason I might use twitter in the future would be to communicate with students - send of class reminders, calendar info, etc. In the meantime, I use the app Remind to do that.
I read many of the articles in this section (several of the web links did not work). Each and every one of them baffled me. I couldn't believe so many educators are using twitter. I had never heard of twitter being used as an educational resource.

1 comment:

  1. There are an amazing number of educators using twitter. It's really all a matter of finding the right hashtag and community. For your work I would definitely take a look at these: #iteachmusic #musiced #elementarymusic #musicteacher - I'd be surprised if you didn't find a bit of inpiration there!

    Also, if you can remember which links are dead, let me know. I'll always update links that have disappeared. Thanks!
